Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Comic Book Pinup Style - and Geek Girl Con 2012

Hi reader! Sorry I've been gone so long. In the mean time, I've taken a new job, house-hunted, bought a house, moved...well, a lot of life stuff.

So, just for fun, find what every pinup girl who reads comic books dreams of: Pinup fashions for nerds!
I'm partial to the comic-book bustier and Leia dress, myself.

Be aware of Geek Girl Con 2012, which is right around the corner. Jennifer K. Stuller's brain child continues to be awesome. I'm presenting a panel on "Geek Girl Poets" with fellow poet Lana H. Ayers at 10:30 Sunday morning, if you can drag yourself out of bed that early. It's a great con, super fun and relaxed, and full of really amazing television writers and stars and all kinds of cool geeky types in Seattle. Be there!