Tuesday, April 24, 2007

.07 Percent and the future that probably won't happen

Was the "fight the future" line from Isaac supposed to be a winking reference to the X-Files movie? And what about HRG's "Cherry Pie" line referencing Twin Peaks? However, as fanboys from Aintitcool have pointed out, Heroes current plotline most baldly references the graphic novel "The Watchmen" and the X-Men's Future/Past episodes. In fact, some might say they "lift the entire plot from" rather than reference.
Nevertheless, I was happy to have my show back last night. It took me a few minutes to really engage with the characters again. I was looking especially forward to the Peter/Sylar face off, but was ultimately disappointed (uh, invisible Peter - when you see glass floating in the air, either move the glass into your enemy with telekenetic powers, get on the damn ground, or, you know, sneak around your enemy while you're invisible and bash him on the head! Didn't all that training teach you anything? Oh, and Mohinder? After you knock out a bad guy, go ahead and take him out all the way. Don't just leave him to kill the hottest guy on the show!)
I was sorry, but not surprised, about Isaac's death.
The whole "future that won't really happen" thing - next week's episode, reminds me of the "possible futures" that Charles Wallace and Gaudior got thrown into in Madeleine L'Engle's "A Swiftly Tilting Planet." A good thing we had that book as children, or we'd never know how to follow all the comic books' timeline logics. "Might-have-been" moments must be spotted and changed!
And who will end up being responsible for the explosion - Peter? Sylar? Nuclear boy what's-his-name? Tune in next week for the inevitable drawing out of the answer for another week!

1 comment:

Felicity said...

Wait wait wait...Heroes is derivative of "Days of Future Past"? My FAVORITE X-Men plot EVAR? Maybe I'll have to find a way around my lack of broadcast TV and catch up with this thang.