Saturday, March 31, 2007

Lindeman and the Company - and Buffy!

Finally got ahold of the new Buffy comic, "season 8" - where Buffy is leading a gang of slayers on covert ops across the world, Dawn is a giant, Xander's still one-eyed. The cover of Buffy with the Scythe - out of this world.

So, from the spoilers, it looks like Lindeman has a healing ability - much like those healing aliens from the X-Files who healed Mudler's mother - and could be the head of "the company without initials."
And, in yet another X-Men ripoff, Hiro and Ando see a future in which mutants - I mean Heroes - are tagged and hunted by the president after the explosion in NYC. Can they stop this future from coming to pass - and will Nathan become president?

Who else thinks April 23rd is way too far away?

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