Monday, March 5, 2007

Parasites Lost

The rundown of the latest Heroes episode...
Oh, were so close to not being chumped.
I liked Nikki finally outsmarting Jessica. Way to go, formerly useless girl!
It's important to watch the reflections of your shape-shifters, HRG. Wow...they cribbed X-Men's Mystique without even changing her sex/attitude/personality, the way they did with Wolverine etc. That shape-shifting character is so horrible. I don't like villainesses who don't have a sense of subtlety or nuance. Note to Heroes writers: it's always best for the bad guys to have some likable characteristics, and heroes to have some unlikable ones.
That's why Lindeman's reveal was so great - the cooking speech, etc. Happiness versus meaning. Maybe Linderman hopes to be a sort of evil Xavier - controlling and collecting the mutants for his own purposes?
The last image of Mohinder was so heartbreaking. I hope Peter kicks some ass next time...the wait til April will be too terrible!
PS How great was it that the Haitian's secret contact was...Claire's biological grandmother? And, in case you didn't know, Haiti's citizens speak French and Creole.

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